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May 29, 2004

Tardy But With Good Intentions

Final word on MT3 (for now) over on the devblog. At some point, they shuffled the bit on their page about donating out of easy sight, which makes it kind of hard to do any "voting with dollars."

I'd much rather send them a fair amount for how much I've used MT 2.6 to this point than buy a cheap license (or even cheat and buy an extra-cheap license) and give the impression that I'm voting for their shoddy behavior so far or expressing confidence in the rather troubled MT 3. I just want to say "thanks for the good software to this point, I'm going to stand pat a while until I can tell whether Six Apart is a company I want to do business with."

Anyhow, since it's turning into "clear the decks and pay the bills" weekend, a letter is off to Mie at Six Apart, with whom I've had some contact regarding other questions, asking if there's any way to make that distinction. Hope so.

Posted by mph at May 29, 2004 10:31 AM
