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March 7, 2004

Freak Eye for the Easily Scared Guy

Posted by Mike on March 7, 2004 4:10 PM

So, I'm sitting here catching up on my e-mail, celebrating the fact that Ben has slept as close as you can get to "through the night" with a six-week-old baby for three nights in a row, and watching SciFi's Mad Mad House out of the corner of one eye.

It's a reality show, so we're already in dangerous territory considering the semi-official ban we've imposed on those. But it's on SciFi, so we're giving it a break.

The premise is that there's this house and it's populated by an assortment of people-who-are-weird. One's a witch, one's a voodoo priestess, one's a "naturist," which seems to mean walking around nekkid and eating only raw food because in nature, apparently, there is no fire. Oh, there's also a body-mod dude (who makes me think of Queequeg), and there's a "vampire." The other side of the cast is a collection of "normals" who have been brought to the house because being around all the "alts," as the weirdos are called, will freak them out so badly that they'll gradually have to be winnowed from the house.

The winnowing involves wallering around in blood and other stuff with a touch of the sort of interpersonal nastiness that makes the reality tv world go 'round. They've already started psychoanalyzing the chubby girl.

madhousevamp.jpgThe "vampire" looks sort of like Butthead, only in Marilyn Manson drag. Seriously. Imagine every Saturday Night Live skit with Chris Kattan as the little basement-dwelling gothboy and you've got this guy's vibe.

And Avocado, the fire-shunning "naturist," makes smoothies with a blender.

I'm left with the sense that if I were put in that house, I'd end up feeling responsible for maintaining the weirdness the "alts" are trying to project about themselves. I mean, there's the Zaphob Beeblebrox quote, a sort of preemptive counter-cool, "I get weirder things than you free in my breakfast cereal." Then you just end up being threatened with blood-drinking or consumption by some eldritch power and you're a big, fat spoilsport (and having crashed a seance, lemme tell you, it's no fun being the Grinch to an erstwhile medium). Or there's just playing along so the blender-using naturist and Queequeg the Pierced can maintain whatever fragile sense of self they need to get through the day.

And on top of that, how is it that a death-worshiping vampire and a life-affirming Wiccan cohabitate in some sort of Axis of Weird and even gang up against the normals? Shouldn't they be fighting all the time?

I should also toss a few darts at the Normals, but I'm not sure what to say about a group of people who'd knowingly sign up for a reality show that plays on their apparent inflexibility and lack of imagination. The producers picked them for their likelihood to just not be able to deal with a naked Queequeg lookalike with mangled earlobes or a Wiccan with big boobies.

Oh, we also just got to see inside the deliberative process, wherein the Alts try to decide who to throw out. In classic altie-cultie fashion, people who aren't instantly freaked out by them are "walled off" and "unaware." So if you don't maintain their sense of specialness for them, they just decide you must really not get them and kick you out.

Here's the rundown of reasons they've tagged normals for eviction:

Executive Summary: This is like being kidnapped by goths and forced to attend a scary haunted house where they get mad if you don't scream over sticking your hand in a bowl of peeled grapes they've told you are eyeballs.


He he he he he. Excellent summary. We (spouse and I) watched the same episode, and had much the same response. Wannabe-Witchypoo Fiona the Boobalicious is well known in her (and my) native Australia for being a hopeless idiot. Apart from her, though, I rather liked the alts. They seemed harmless, if somewhat goofy.

Posted by: sennoma at March 10, 2004 8:04 AM

Wow. You mean, these people are perhaps globally recognized, professional, uh, "Alts"?

Posted by: mph at March 10, 2004 12:38 PM

Yea, this was a big pile. Dawn wanted to watch, so we watched. Horrific. Does anybody buy what those losers are selling?

The highpoint for me was when what's-her-republican used "obliviated" to mean "obliterated" after letting us all know just how smart she was.

I also loved christian dude betraying his buddy after he OFFERED to "get his back."

Posted by: Sam at March 10, 2004 7:00 PM