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November 29, 2004

Another Spoon in the Insinkerator

Posted by Mike on November 29, 2004 6:15 PM

A savage MTBlacklist bug will delete weblogs for no reason anyone can definitively identify.

And to think that once upon a time we all depended on the stone knives and bearhides of text editors and FTP to manage our personal sites. How did we get by without the convenience of tools that could convert themselves into content-deleting buzzsaws of death?

Anyhow, pass this one along because it's ugly and scary. If it doesn't get resolved, I'm not sure what I'll do. To illustrate the importance of MT Blacklist, of the 20 most recent entries in its database:

If we stretch the total number of blacklist entries out to 75 (the next increment that MT Blacklist will display for its entry list), it gets really nuts:

Over the lifetime of this MT installation (I installed it some time around mid-July), MT Blacklist has caught 9,147 attempted comment spams and allowed moderation of an additional 1,927:

And despite its wonderful performance, I've still been "warned" by a self-appointed watchdog group because one of the blogs on puddingbowl.org had an unblocked comment spam that eluded notice and pointed at a pedophiliac site, and I still have to deal with one or two spams a day that don't get caught initially.


How did we get by without the convenience of tools that could convert themselves into content-deleting buzzsaws of death?

That made me giggle, which is impressive today...

If it doesn't get resolved, I'm not sure what I'll do.

Well, that one is easy: Don't delete any weblogs... :-) Seriously, though, I'll get it resolved soon.

Posted by: Jay Allen at November 29, 2004 7:03 PM